Top Five Things You Should Do To Prepare Your Home For Sale — JanusGroup at RE/MAX Integrity

You're thinking about selling your home, but you're not sure where to begin? Well, you've come to the right place. The Seattle area real estate market has been in a seller's market (defined: demand for homes exceeds supply) since mid-2012. Why? When you boil it all down, one thing explains the constant demand from King County home buyers: the combination of a steady increase of people moving to the area, and home builders not keeping up with the population growth. Simply put, there aren't enough homes, condos, and apartments being built to accommodate the new Seattleites moving in.

So if we're in a seller's market, and have been for nearly a decade, why can't I just put a For Sale sign in the front yard and wait for the offers to come rolling in? If you had a toothache, would you just tie a string between your tooth and a door handle and have someone slam the door shut for you? No, no you wouldn't do that.

In order to successfully sell your home, that is, to maximize your net proceeds AND minimize the amount of hassle and time your home is on the market, dealing with showings, etc - you need to prepare your home for sale. In this video, we will break down five things that you should do to prepare your home for sale.

Have a question about one of the steps, or about a specific question related to selling your Seattle home? Text/call 206.550.3740 or schedule an appointment. Thank you for watching.

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