Client stories:

I'm An Unhappy Landlord

Are you a Seattle landlord that is fed up with 2:30 am phone calls from your tenants? Are you ready to let a professional take over? There's a better way. Our Seattle real estate team has the experience, marketing tools and know-how to professionally manage your Seattle home, bringing in highly qualified tenants and taking care of every detail. Serving the Seattle area since 2005, we have helped many Seattle landlords manage their investments, so you never get woken up in the middle of the night by a tenant ever again. Watch the video story here.

I'm A First Time Investor

Are you a Seattle homeowner that is looking to sell? Have you considered keeping your current home as an investment? Most people don't know how easy, or how financially impactful property investing can be. Our Seattle real estate team has the experience, marketing tools and know-how to professionally manage your Seattle home, bringing in highly qualified tenants and taking care of every detail. Serving the Seattle area since 2005, we have helped many Seattle homeowners turn their previous homes into investment properties, without lifting a finger. Watch the video story here.

Let Us Manage Your Investment

We'll take great care of you. Call/text 206.550.3740 or click below.