I'm A First Time Buyer

Taking you from overwhelmed to overjoyed

What do I do now?

Here’s a Quick Look at the Process:



You talk; we listen.  We’ll begin the process by listening to what your biggest concerns about home buying are, and what your ultimate goals are for homeownership.  Once you’re comfortable with the home buying process, then we’ll talk about what is possible for you, and we will craft a plan that will help you attain your goals.


Determining the Numbers

If you have not already done so, this is the time to talk with a mortgage professional about your financial situation and figure out what type and how much of a mortgage you’d like to have.  We can refer you to one of our trusted lending partners.


Searching For Homes

We’ll set up a custom home search directly from our MLS, so you’ll get access to the most accurate data. This will ping you with new listings that hit the market which may be of interest.  Then, whether we’re going out on a private tour of homes, or you’re walking through open houses on your own, we’ll start to narrow down what type of home, and what neighborhoods are really going to work for you.


Due Diligence

Once you’ve found “The One”, our team will help you gather data about the home, so that you can make a sound decision.  If you decide you’d like to go for it, then we’ll help you craft a strong offer.  Once that offer is negotiated and we have a fully signed around contract, we’ll help move you through the next stage, escrow.



Escrow is the stage at which we work through all the contingencies of the contract.  This is where we get the home inspected, we apply for the financing, we review documents and information about the home.  We’ll be by your side throughout this process, making sure you are comfortable and informed along the way.



The end of the process is sometimes the most stressful. Whether last minute questions for the lender, or we’re waiting for the seller to finish working on an inspection item, or one of a hundred other possibilities, just know that we are there, at your side, to advocate for you.  We’ll get there.  Once you sign the papers, it’s almost a done deal.



Congratulations!  You’re officially homeowners.  On the day of closing (when the money is transferred and the deed is recorded), we will meet and I will hand you a set of keys.  Then, we toast to your new beginning!