I’m Selling an Investment Property

There comes a time in life when you may just want to cash in your chips. You played a good hand, but now it's time to see what lies out there, beyond the horizon.

What do I do now?

Here’s a Quick Look at the Process:



You talk; we listen.  We’ll begin the process by listening to what your biggest concerns are, and what your ultimate goals are.  It may be that you’re looking to trade up properties, or, perhaps you’re just looking to cash out.  Either way, we’ll talk about what is possible for you, and we will craft a plan that will help you attain your goals.


Proper Pricing and Preparation

Two of the most important aspects of getting you results are the proper preparation and pricing of your investment property.  After doing a thorough walkthrough of your property, we will help you decide what types of things need to be done in order to maximize your net proceeds, and minimize the time on market.  And, don’t worry… we’ve got people that can help do the work!  Next, we’ll do the proper due diligence, and share with you what is happening in the market, how your property stacks up, and what you can expect to net from the sale.


Crafting and Executing the Marketing Plan

Each property is as unique as the people who call it home.  Thus, customizing a marketing plan unique to your property is essential.  Then, we launch!  As we’re listed, one thing that our clients really appreciate is the weekly update, which will illustrate what our team has done to market your property, how effective those efforts have been, and feedback from agents that have shown the property.


Negotiating the Best Terms

Once we’ve attracted an offer, we’ll negotiate powerfully on your behalf to make sure that you’re getting the best possible terms.  Whether it’s a higher price, tighter contingency timelines or more favorable closing date, we’ll do what it takes to get you the best deal with the best chances of a smooth, on-time closing.



Escrow is the stage at which we work through all the contingencies of the contract.  Among the plethora of items we’ll track are; negotiating potential inspection items, making any necessary repairs, making sure that the buyer’s financing stays on track, and making sure that there are no issues with title.  Just as during the marketing stage, we’ll be by your side throughout this process, making sure you are comfortable and informed all along the way.



The end of the process is sometimes the most stressful, as the final details are buttoned up.  Again, we’re here by your side, advocating for you. We’ll get there.


The Check

Congratulations!  Your investment property is sold and closed.  You should receive your money within 2 days of closing!